
A provider for pre-computed tries for the line of sight (LoS) on a symmetric grid.

This class provides you with the ability to pre-compute the tries in order to enhance the speed of common operations e.g., line-of-sight (LoS), field-of-view (FoV), etc.



the vision radius for the tries.


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constructor(radius: Int)


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fun fieldOfView(from: AxisPoint, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean): Set<HexCoordinates>
fun fieldOfView(from: AxisPoint, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean, callback: (Int, Int) -> Unit)
fun fieldOfView(fromQ: Int, fromR: Int, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean, callback: (Int, Int) -> Unit = { _, _ -> })

Generates a field of view from a specified point.

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fun lineOfSight(from: AxisPoint, to: AxisPoint, radius: Int = this.radius, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean): Set<HexCoordinates>
fun lineOfSight(from: AxisPoint, to: AxisPoint, radius: Int = this.radius, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean, callback: (Int, Int) -> Unit): Boolean
fun lineOfSight(fromQ: Int, fromR: Int, toQ: Int, toR: Int, radius: Int = this.radius, doesBlockVision: (Int, Int) -> Boolean, callback: (Int, Int) -> Unit): Boolean

Converts provided coordinates into line-of-sight data.