
Represents a double height coordinate in the hexagonal grid layout, which doubles the row step size. Use in a flat top hex layout, the row is increased by 2 for each hex.

Constraint: (col + row) % 2 == 0


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constructor(col: Int, row: Int)


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object Companion


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val col: Int

Column of the coordinate.

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open override val hex: HexCoordinates

Expects a property of HexCoordinates type, which should be provided by instances of this interface.

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open override val q: Int

The column coordinate of the point on the hexagonal grid.

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open override val r: Int

The row coordinate of the point on the hexagonal grid.

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val row: Int

Row of the coordinate.


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operator fun get(int: Int): DoubleHeightCoordinates
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Transforms the given this from HexCoordinates into the corresponding subtype of Coordinates.

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